Thursday, July 19, 2012

Living in a Crayola World...

I am a grown woman.
Almost 63 years grown.
I still adore crayons.
One can never have too many crayons.

And what a happy girl I was when I discovered
all things Crayola.

Years ago I spotted this calculator at Macy's and I 
really, REALLY wanted it for Christmas.
So I told all my kids and my husband that this
was what I wanted.  It was only $7.98
Truly, I would have been happy with this!
Did I get it?  No.
I had to find it a few years later at
a flea market and paid over twice as much for it.

All my crayons have been packed away for a couple
of years and yesterday I took most of them
out and put them in my studio.
I keep the door closed at night because 
Mr. Kitty loves bling and tries to eat it all.
This morning I opened the door and it
smelled like a new box of crayons.

I was six again.

I really do live in a Crayola world.



Caterina Giglio said...

darling post, and your kitty does like eating bling... I had no idea you had a crayola collection, lovely and I bet the smell was wonderful! said...

Crayolas are my favorite instruments of creativeness. Your collection is such a huge heap of them!:) I'd love to have so many colors and tones.
Angela Due